My Love For Art

Art Prints
Photography Prints

Saturday, October 9, 2010

What Inspires Me To Paint?

I know like others, when you are someone who networks via the internet, you are going meet individuals and they become consistent tweeters and facebook friends. Although I haven't met these fabulous individuals, they are a part of my life and I look foward to chatting with them on almost a daily basis.

One particular day, I was ill and had stayed home. I was using facebook as a means to not remain idle. I had several ladies from UWIB United Women In Business who kept me company via the Internet for the most part of my morning. By the end of our time together, they made me feel reenergized and creative.

I went into my studio and thought how often, people we know are down or going through a crisis. The bird by the nest depicts one of these individuals and her heart is dark and her head bowed down. Flying toward her are two birds who bring with them love (as depicted by the red hearts in their beaks). I called this piece, "In My Sorrow, You Brought Me Love". This piece is a tribute to all those who go to the rescue of their friends who may for some reason or another may not be themselves and need that extra love to get through it!!

I gifted the original to a friend of mine, who whenever I see her, always exerts positive energy, love and encouragement towards me.

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